Institute of Public Finance Teaching Seminars Bachelor
Seminar Current Topics in Public Economics (272069)

Seminar Current Topics in Public Economics (272069)


Allgemeine Merkmale
Titel Seminar Current Topics in Public Economics
Belegnummer(n) 272069
im Semester Winter term 2024/2025
Angebotsrhythmus Only Winter term
Rahmenthema (Inhalt)

Group I: Tax Evasion

Group II: Crime, Corruption, and Dirty Money

Zielgruppe / Zuordnung BSc WiWi PO 2017, Competence areas: Economics and Business Administration
Anzahl Plätze 15 per Group
Sprache Englisch
Veranstaltungsort Internes Seminar
Praxispartner No
Veranstaltungs­rhythmus Block course
Anfertigung der Hausarbeit During lecture period
Anforderungen und Unterstützung
Zielsetzung Through their participation in the seminar, students expand their abilities to interpret and discuss topics in public economics based on current academic literature. Students write a term paper on different topics and present their work in a final block seminar which also includes group discussion. In their term paper, students have to show that they are able to understand a scientific paper in terms of its core messages and its methodology (theoretical and/or empirical). It is expected that they can summarize these aspects in their own words in a clear and concise manner. Moreover, students have to be able to embed the scientific paper in a broader context and to critically discuss the paper.
Erforderliche Vorkenntnisse Microeconomics, econometrics/statistics (recommended)
Unterstützender Kurs zur Einführung in das Wissenschaftliche Arbeiten No
Formale Vorgaben Guidelines „How to write an academic term paper“
Allgemeine Literatur

Group I: Tax Evasion

  • Slemrod, J. (2007). Cheating ourselves: The economics of tax evasion. Journal of Economic Perspectives 21(1): 25–48.
  • Zucman, G. (2014). Taxing across borders: Tracking personal wealth and corporate profits. Journal of Economic Perspectives 28(4): 121–148.

Group II: Crime, Corruption, and Dirty Money

  • Johnson, J. (2007). In pursuit of dirty money: Indentifying weaknesses in the global financial system. Journal of Money Laundering Control 5(2): 122–132.
  • Christensen, J. (2012). The hidden trillions: Secrecy, corruption, and the offshore interface. Crime, Law and Social Change 57: 325–343.
Basisliteratur zum Einstieg je Thema Yes
Methodik Writing and presentation techniques, fundamentals of scientific work, interpretation and discussion of econometric/statistical or model-theoretical argumentations.
Eingesetzte Spezial-Software None
Empfohlene Textverarbeitungs­software MS Word  / LaTeX (recommended)
Seitenumfang Hausarbeit About 12 pages
Gliederungs­besprechungen 1
Leistungsan­forderungen / Bewertung inkl. Gewichtung Term paper [50%], presentation/discussion [30%], oral participation in the seminar [20%], compulsory attendance
Prüfer Prof. Dr. Maximilian Todtenhaupt
Ansprechpartner Dr. Lennard Zyska, M.Sc. Bryan Caldéron
Gruppenarbeit und Themenvergabe
Gruppenarbeit No
Gruppengröße -
Verfahren für die Zusammensetzung der Gruppen -
Themen Brief overview of the topics of the term papers during the first meeting.
Verfahren für Themenvergabe preference-based (lottery draw if necessary)
Art der Voranmeldung online form
Zeitlicher Ablauf 
Voranmeldung / Bewerbung 06.-13. october via online form
Vorbesprechung / Themenvorstellung / Kick-Off-Meeting

Group 1/ KW 43

Group 2/ KW 43

Weitere Meetings

Group 1/ KW 44 / Kw 03 (2025)

Group 2/ KW 44/ KW 03 (2025)

Themenzuweisung Group 1: KW 44; Group 2: KW 44
Verbindliche Anmeldung Group 1: KW 44; Group 2: KW 44
Bearbeitungs­beginn Seminararbeit With registration.
Abgabe Seminararbeit 13.12.2024
Abgabe Präsentation 10.01.2025

Group 1/

Group 2/